Travel Newsletter

Offers delivered to polo players, monthly.

We collect offers from polo clubs that are currently active and share them with players via a newsletter and social media posts.

One form, to share your offer

Share the key information about your offers through a form. We will review each offer and include them in our newsletter, social media channels and on our website.

How will your offers be promoted?

We will create a website for each of your offers, include the offer summary in our newsletter and share photos with key offer details on our social media.

Individual website for your offer

Share the daily plan, information about your facilities and activities your guests can enjoy in one place.


Each newsletter will be promoted via paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

Include your offers in our next newsletter in minutes

Share the details of your offers including your daily programme and activities your guests can enjoy at your polo club and nearby.

Create a Polo Week Offer
Create Two Week Polo Holiday Offer